Graphic Novel Reviews
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
The Dust Waltz(1998) Brereton/Gomez/Florea, Titan, £6.99, trd pbk, 80pp, ISBN 1-84023-057-6
For those of you who can't believe it, the film became a cult favourite, and span off into a TV series. Which of course means the inevitable comics series... None of which should be surprising to those who have watched the growing symbiosis between Hollywood and the comics industry -- so much for originality.
So, what of the comic? Well, I've always thought that Dan Brereton should stick to artwork, and leave the scripting to others, and this offering does not change that opinion. The art by Gomez and Florea is alright, and somewhat reminiscent of Gil Kane, but fails to elevate the lacklustre script. I guess if you're a fan nothing I can say will put you off but, quite honestly, you should expect more than this.
Tony Chester
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