Graphic Novel/Comics Review

The Authority: Fractured Worlds

(2005) Robbie Morrison, Dwayne Turner, Whilce Portacio & Sal Regla, Titan Books, £10.99, trdpbk, 208pp, ISBN 1-84023-988-3

Collecting issues 6-14 of the second run of the title, Fractured Worlds features the work of 2000AD/Judge Dredd writer Robbie Morrison in 3 stories, 2 four-parters and a singleton. 'Godhead' (issues 6-9) is the tale of a charismatic religious evangelist (aided by various superpowered allies) and his near-successful attempt to take over the world. 'Fractured World' (issues 10-13) concerns the fate of Quantum Jenny (the baby adopted by Apollo and the Midnighter - the gay Superman and Batman characters), the 'offspring' of the dead Jenny Sparks, and her evil twin Bad Jenny. 'Street Life' (issue 14) is a solo outing for Jack Hawksmoor, now President Hawksmoor following the Authority's coup d'etat of the US government (which story will be continued in the forthcoming The Authority: Revolution). This is good 'adult' superheroics, and a quite satisfying read but, I have to say, nothing particularly special. The art is quite good too but, again, nothing special. It is hard to know what to say about this title. If it were worse I could manage a good rant, if it were better, gushing praise, but it's just 'all right' which leaves me with nowhere to go. And, since I never did see any of the creator's, Warren Ellis', version, I cannot even do a useful comparison. You will just have to make your own mind up on this one. Sorry.

Tony Chester

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