The Art of Drew Posada (2002) Drew Posada, Fanfare, £6.99, pbk, 48pp, ISBN 0-86562-058-X
Fans of Image, Verotik and Avalon comics will have been familiar with the extensive talents of Drew Posada from the mid-nineties, but that still wouldn't prepare you for the wonder of his pin-up work. These images are first drawn, then scanned into a computer and then 'painted' with a digital airbrush, greatly adding to the vividness of the photorealistic quality. The hair alone is beautiful (created with a one-pixel brush, so the introduction informs me) let alone the gorgeous women. The use of genre tropes is sparing (quite rightly so), though they often add another level of interest to the works; which is not to say that there aren't some more overt uses, as with interpretations of characters such as "Angela" (from Image Comics' Spawn) and the ever-popular Vampirella, covers and pin-ups from The Wicked, Heavy Metal and others. His self-stated influences include Sorayama and Olivia as well as Frank Frazetta and Simon Bisley. Posada has gotten better and better since the mid-nineties and these erotic and sensual images are sure to gain him new fans, certainly if you take my recommendation! I think we can look forward to much more from Posada in the years to come and, when it comes, I look forward to seeing it.
Tony Chester
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