The Art of Brian Rood (2002) Brian Rood, Fanfare, £6.99, pbk, 48pp, ISBN 0-86562-066-0
This is the latest release of Fanfare in their 48-page format, Brian Rood's first such collection, and a lovely book it is. Brian, despite his callow youth (the man's only 27 for God's sake!), is already well-appreciated in the comics world through his covers for Chaos! Comics, his work for Image, his lithographs of Star Trek characters, as well as trading cards of Vampirella (Harris Comics) and Jamie O'Barr's The Crow. Unsurprisingly, therefore, he gives us his take on certain well-known pin-up subjects, such as Lady Death. His models are also drawn from "the usual suspects" and include Julie Strain (is she the world's most-painted woman?), Pamela Anderson, Teri Byrne, Julie Cialini and Natasha Yi, not to mention a Betty Page (oddly my favourite piece, "The Bombshell", has no model named). Among the women are The Crow, Evil Ernie, and a moving image of Jimi Hendrix! There will be plenty more to come from the talented Rood, that's for sure, and I recommend this book as an appetite whetner to comics and pin-up fans alike.
Tony Chester
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