Usually futuristic, science fiction speculates about alternative ways of life made possible by technological change.

The Science Fact & Science Fiction Concatenation is the
seasonal review of science fact and science fiction. Formerly the (1987-1997)
annual (paper) magazine distributed at the British national SF convention and European SF
convention.  Today its three principal internet editions come out in the northern hemisphere's
academic year: spring, summer and autumn.

SF2 Concatenation

science fiction sci fi science fiction news science fact & science fiction european science fiction

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Site introduction

'What's New' list

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Introductory Editorial

SF & Science News sections' index

Full 'Futures' stories list (one-page PDFs)

Science Fiction Film box office top ten & tips for home rental

Convention & film diary 2024/5

SF convention reviews

SF articles archive

Science / non-fic' article archive

European science fiction article archive

External links

Science Fiction book reviews archive (author alphabetical)

Non-fiction reviews archive (author alphabetical)

Archive of our (fun) annual choices as to Best SF of the Year

Last word - Gaia (SF & science whimsy)

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Site history

Site's SF awards

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Old site home page

Essential SF Guide

Contacting us

Twitter  As of July 2023 we have ceased using our @SF2Concat Twitter account.  Our posting schedule is regular, and only a few followed us on Twitter (less 1% of our typical monthly unique visitors). We do though have an RSS feed.

Sponsor links

Festival of Fantastic Films the convention for vintage fantasy, SF and horror films

North Heath SF

Cross-disciplinary undergraduate text Climate Change Biology & Human Ecology for biology, geography, social science, geology and environmental courses with climate change modules

Note: While we do check sponsor link sites in a number of ways at the time of accepting sponsorship, we cannot be held responsible for their content.

Yes, our home page colour this season is blue now that we have the northern hemisphere winter.  Brrr. It is a little chilly.


HELP SF Convention reporters wanted

We are seeking to expand our convention reports of national SF conventions beyond Britain. If you would like to contribute a report then feel free to contact office [at] concatenation [dot] org for a one-page con-reporter's guide.


March 2025 news

With our ISP sponsor living in Kyiv and given the Washington goings on, our thoughts are still very much with those in Ukraine.


Belated news from the monthly Ansible newsletter -- the online Science Fiction Encyclopaedia Ltd was dissolved by Companies House back in December.  If, like us, you don't follow what goes on in Britain's Companies House -- the body that maintains the legal list of UK commercial companies -- then this will be news. Fortunately, the March edition of Ansible reports that the on-line SF Encyclopaedia continues, but without the hassle of having to provide audited accounts: the Encyclopaedia's annual turnover is very low.  If you are not familiar with the SF Encyclopaedia it is a great resource for finding out about all things SFnal: we use it to augment our seasonal news page's information. Do check it out.

The Sci-Fi London film fest is back for 2025!  Last year, due to Cineworld closing the community cinema venue, the event was truncated to a single day event of shorts. This year it is back to a four day event at a new venue just north of central London.  It will be held 19th - 22nd June, 2025, at the Picturehouse Cinema, Finsbury Park, London.  Finsbury Park has a rail and underground/metro station just around the corner from the venue (which, if you are visiting and want an extra day of central London tourism, makes for a good base, less expensive than central London accommodation).  There are plenty of hotels near-by such as the Farringdon Travel Lodge.



New up...

Mid-March 2025 and we have the first of our four, one-page PDF, short SF stories from the science journal Nature. These science fiction shorts are weekly and behind a pay-wall. So if you do not subscribe to Nature you will not be able to see them. However SF² Concatenation has an arrangement with Nature to get the respective authors' permissions to re-post what we consider to be among the best four of the past year. 


For details of / links to the new content, scroll down to beneath 'Most recently added' below.



Mid-April we will have our 'summer'* season edition. As usual, this includes an extensive, seasonal full news page, with its Film News;  Television News;  Publishing News;  General Science News  and  Forthcoming SF Books from major British Isles SF imprints for the season, among much else.  There is a lot to unpack here with many links to YouTube trailers and other videos, so take time to make a mug of tea, settle down at your PC or with a laptop or pad, and dive on in.
* 'Summer' season here being the northern hemisphere, academic year summer.

Separately, we have a couple of stand-alone articles and convention reports.  Plus there is the usual tranche of stand-alone book reviews.  Something for every SF enthusiast and/or science bod.

What's not to like?


Most recently added


v35(2) 2025.3.15 -- A new story from the Nature Futures series


v35(1) 2025.1.15 -- New Columns & Articles for the Spring 2025

v35(1) 2025.1.15 -- Science Fiction & Fantasy Book Reviews

v35(1) 2025.9.15 -- Non-Fiction SF & Science Fact Book Reviews


v34(7) 2024.12.15 -- A new story from the Nature Futures series


v34(6) 2024.11.15 -- A new story from the Nature Futures series

  • The Nana Inheritance (1-page PDF short story) - Amanda Helms
    The deathbed of your beloved grandmother isn’t really the place where you should decide who inherits her brain, but that’s what we did...


v34(5) 2024.9.15 -- New Columns & Articles for the Autumn 2024

v34(3) 2024.9.15 -- Science Fiction & Fantasy Book Reviews


Full 'What's New' list



[Site Updated: 25.3.15 | Contact | How to contribute material | Copyright | Privacy | Concatenation History]


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